Headshot of Robert Brewer

I am Senior Software Engineer at Tableau Software in Palo Alto, CA. We help people see and understand their data. Come join us!

In the past, I was a postdoctoral researcher on the EcoSense and Virtual Power Plant for Smart Grid Ready Buildings and Customers (VPP4) projects in the Computer Science department of Aarhus University in Denmark, with a focus on residential energy-use behaviors guided by sensor data.

I have also been an entrepreneur. As a co-founder of LavaNet (a Hawaii-based Internet Service Provider), I served as board chair for six years. Over an 11-year period, I held several positions, including: chair of the board of directors, Vice President, System department manager, and Senior System Administrator. My first experience at a startup was working for Wolfram Research (makers of Mathematica) as employee #9.

I received a B.A. in Physics from Reed College, Portland OR in 1992, a M.S. in Information and Computer Sciences from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2000, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2013.

This website contains information on my professional life, as well as blog posts related to research.